
Spokane Club Fitness: Jenny’s Warm-Up Stretch

We're excited to share a special glimpse into the world of mindful exercise with Jenny, one of our outstanding yoga instructors. In this exclusive video, Jenny walks you through a thoughtful warm-up stretch routine, designed to enhance flexibility, promote flow, and boost your overall well-being.

Here at Spokane Club, we take pride in offering more than just top-notch facilities; we provide a team of dedicated trainers and instructors who genuinely care about your fitness journey. Jenny exemplifies this commitment by ensuring that no matter your fitness level, you receive personalized guidance to align with your unique goals.

Embark on a path to optimal wellness by trying out Jenny's warm-up routine. This video not only showcases the caliber of instruction at Spokane Club but also reflects our sincere dedication to enhancing your fitness experience. We invite you to dive into this valuable resource and experience firsthand the positive impact of a carefully crafted warm-up session.

To see more of Jenny and other group fitness endeavors, make sure to check out the schedule here: https://spokaneclub.org/group-fitness/

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Spokane Club Open House
community, Events

Spokane Club Open house

The Spokane Club is hosting an open house on May 6th from 10am to 2pm. If you have ever wondered what the club has to offer and learn more about it, now is the perfect time!

During the open house you will experience the club as a member for the day and have access to tons of amenities to enjoy. Come take advantage of free group fitness classes, access to the gym and conditioning rooms, complimentary refreshments and tours of the club facilities.

Spokane Club members, bring your friends and enjoy a great day at the club. If you bring 5 friends, you’ll get 5 raffle entries for the opportunity to win lots of wonderful prizes. So don’t miss out on this special event, we look forward to seeing you at the club for our open house!

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